2011 Reservist Issues

Reservist Magazine, Fleet Review 2011, Volume 58 Issue 1

From the Editor, Isaac D. Pacheco - Happy 2011! The Coast Guard Reserve is coming off of one of its busiest years on record, and the Reservist has been along for the entire ride. Whether covering earthquakes relief operations in Haiti, or oil spill clean-up in the Gulf of Mexico, or updates to Reserve recruiting our team of dedicated contributors helped the Reservist shine in 2010. Thank you for your efforts. You have repeatedly reinforced the "Always Ready" ethos.

With a new year comes new challenges, and reservists have proven that they are prepared to tackle whatever issues may arise at home and abroad. Our magazine staff will continue working to produce the highest quality Reserve publication from dedicated Coast guard reservists and public affairs specialists. Your participation is essential to our ability to publish the most comprehensive and informative magazine for our members.

To the end, this issue focuses on practical information that reservists can use every day of the year. Our "Fleet Review" provides a detailed look a current Coast Guard assets in the air, on inland waterways, and at sea. We've worked with leaders in CG-0 (acquisitions) to endure that the most accurate information on cutters, boats and aircraft is available to readers in a quick reference format. Hopefully, this section of the magazine will serve not only as a useful desktop reference but also as a recruitment tool.

Lt.j.g. Wade Thomson gives readers an inside look at how Sector Guam-based reservist are staying at the top of their game by participating in training exercises with their active duty counterparts. Check out this story about their recent unique training experience aboard Cutter Sequoia on page 36. 

The original This "Letters" section highlights some of the correspondence we received about various topics covered in recent issue of Reservist. Readers were particularly vocal about our special recruiting issue (Issue 5, 2010). I appreciate all the feedback from those who wrote and emailed praise and criticism alike. Your questions and comments keep us plugged-in to the issues that reservists care about.

We're  constantly working to keep Reservist information and entertaining for, and relevant to, the dynamic group of men and women who comprise our reserve force. This is your magazine. Help us make it the best publication it can be by continuing to submit stories, photos and feedback in 2011.

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Reservist Magazine, State of the Coast Guard, Volume 58 Issue 2

From the Editor - During his remarks at the State of the Coast Guard luncheon aboard Bolling Air Force Base in Washington D.C., Feb. 10, Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert J. Papp called for a return to the service's seafaring roots, and proposed that all Coast Guard officers serve onboard at some point in their career.

The first step towards this goal would be the manning of the Coast Guard's newest assets, Fast Response Cutters, with at least two junior officers. Papp also commented on several accidents that cost the Coast Guard service members their lives in 2010, saying the service must continue to focus on safety and proper training in orders to remain at the forefront of national security and emergency preparedness.

During his remarks, Papp keyed in on recent government belt-tightening measures, stressing that the Coast Guard must continue to have a proper funding for tools and assets if it is to stay on the forefront of national maritime security and emergency response. "The days of doing more with less is over," said Papp.   

The center spread of this issue of Reservist highlights the commandant's vison for the Coast Guard, and the priorities he has set for all his "shipmates" as the service enters a new era.

Speaking for new eras, the Coast Guard Reserve recently celebrated its 70th Anniversary. Since World War II, reservists have been setting the benchmark for dedication with their service at home and abroad. Be sure to look through our timeline detailing their invaluable work protecting our nation, on page 24.

Finally, Americans will be marking another, more somber, anniversary this year. A decade has passed since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 reshaped our world. Amidst the heartbreak and sorrow that surrounded that mournful occasion were stories of courage and triumph. People of every stripe untied to rescue those trapped beneath rubble, and to rebuild communities that had been devastated by the loss of loved ones.  

9/11 also marked the largest mobilization of reservists since WWII, and their contributions to the security, rescue, clean-up and rebuilding effort were vital to America reemerging from this tragic event a stronger and more determined nation. Later this year, Reservist will publish a special 9/11 remembrance issue, and we want to hear from those of you who witnessed, or participated in, operations related to 9/11.

Send us your stories and photos of heroism, sacrifice, loss and hope, and help us remember 9/11 as a day where reservist stood tall. There are numerous accounts of bravery and determination shining through the darkness and despair of the dreadful day, and we want to share those stories with our readers. On that fateful day in September, an act of cowardice topped America's tallest buildings and struck at our nation's heart, but it did nothing to dampen our collective resolve. Help us remember those who served, and those who paid the ultimate price.

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Reservist Magazine, Washed Away, Volume 58 Issue 3

From the Editor - During a recent conversation with a colleague, I described reservists' response to flooding throughout the Midwest, and was met with a quizzical expression. "I thought the Coast Guard was only on the coast." he said in surprised amusement. Unfortunately, this notion is an all too common misconception among those who are unfamiliar with the total Coast Guard mission. This issue of Reservist seeks t bridge that knowledge gap by highlighting the work of a dedicated group of Guardians who service in the nation's heartland.

As sever storms battered Midwest states and caused historic flooding this past spring, Disaster Area Response Teams (DARTs) made up of reservist from District 8 rushed into action. I had a chance to work alongside DARTs from Sector Upper Mississippi River and Sector Ohio Valley as they deployed small boats to evacuate citizens in flooded communities along the swollen Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. DARTs also teamed with members of several states' National Guard units in order to provide logistical support and coordinate relief efforts. Check out the full story on pg.16.

In this issue, we are also proud to announce that Reservist was named the best magazine-format publication for 2010 in the Department of Defense's annual Thomas Jefferson Award completion. Our publication was review by an esteemed panel of military and civilian journalism professionals, and beat out submission from all other branches of the Armed Forces.

This award wound not have been possible without the dedicated effort of the talented men and women who contributed the stories and phots that filled out pages last year. I want to especially recognize Reservist's art director, Chris Rose, for his creativity and layout prowess. We look forward to continuing to bring you the highest quality publication, and are currently working to make improvements to the way our reader's receive their copies of the magazine.

Our charter is to provide the best possible publication for our Reserve Force. Moving to full or partial digital distribution would allow us to meet and exceed that requirement, and eliminate wasteful, or duplicative shipping and paper costs by making the magazine instantly available, to anyone with an Internet-connected computer, smartphone or mobile device. Send us your thoughts about the possible transition, and let us know how a shift to all digital distribution would impact you.

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Reservist Magazine, 10 Years Later, Volume 58 Issue 4From the Editor - In February, 2001, I took a weekend trip with my younger brother to Manhattan to experience in person the fabled city that we Midwestern kids had only ever seen in movies and on television. I remember climbing the stairs out of the 33rd Street subway for the first time, and being amazed by the giant buildings surrounding us on all sides.  My brother and I wasted no time buying tickets for the observation deck at the Empire State Building, and spent at least and hour at the top taking in the expansive New York City skyline.

As One of the most prominent, and recognized sights at the time was the World Trade Center plaza in lower Manhattan, the centerpiece of which were two, nearly identical, white towers that dwarfed surrounding buildings. My brother and I decided that our adventure in the Big Apple wound not be complete without a trip to the top of the Twin Towers as well. We did eventually make our way up to the observation deck of the South Tower, and still talk about what an amazing experience it was to stand atop the world, if only for a moment, on that cold winter day.

Seven months later, in a succession of unprecedented attacks, terrorist took down those iconic pillars with civilian jetliners, killing not only the passengers aboard the planes, but also the thousand of people who worked inside the buildings, as well as many of the rescue personnel working to save them. The terror attacks of 9/11 were not limited to New York City, with hijackers also crashing passenger jets into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and into a field in the Pennsylvania countryside.

While Americans citizens mourned these horrific attacks, our Nation's first responders leapt into action. 9/11 marked the largest mobilization in the Coast Guard Reserve history , with many men and women responding to impacted areas even before they were notified. This issue of Reservist takes a look back at the fateful day through the eyes of Guardians who were there when it happened. Our cover story (pg. 16) features several vignettes from reservists who were witness or responders to the events of 9/11. Their personal accounts details the central role Coast Guard units played in response efforts, and how that tragedy reshaped the Reserve into the first response force it has become today.

Our multimedia feature on BM2 Adrien Cheval is a great example of how today's reservists are working harder than ever to protect our nation from emerging threats. Cheval and his Station Washington counterparts are the Capitol region's frontline responders. Their vigilance and dedication ensures that ports and waterways around Washington, D.C., pose the most difficult targets for potential terrorists. Check out the full story on page 14, and click the link included in the article to watch the video feature online.

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Reservist Magazine, The Year of the CG Family, Volume 58 Issue 5

From the Editor - Life is funny. Last summer I retired from the Coast Guard Reserve ending a 38 year career that began on November 21, 1971 when I enlisted in the Massachusetts National Guard. At the time I was working in the newspaper business as the Sports Editor for a local weekly newspaper. Eight years I would find myself as a member of the United States Coast Guard Reserve and a fledgling entrepreneur attempting to launch a graphic arts company: a company that would evolve into a marketing communications firm serving a broad spectrum of clients for more that twenty years.  

So what's so funny about that? Well, when I retired last fall, I had been here in Washington, DC on active duty for over nine years, With  my marketing business days well in the rearview mirror, I was unsure of exactly what I wanted to do next. An opportunity to fill a one-year temporary civilian position within the Office of Reserve Affairs presented itself, and I was fortunate enough to be selected. In September I was extended to work on a number of special projects. less than a month later the former Reservist Editor, Isaac Pacheco, accepted a prestigious position with the State Department, and I was asked to step in as Interim Editor. As I said, life is funny. 

So While it is only temporary, I am honored to be able to work with a team of dedicated professionals to produce what is arguably the finest Reserve Component - some might argue any component - publication, the Reservist. There are a number of initiatives underway to look at how the magazine might better serve our readership and help the Coast Guard and the Reserve Program, specifically, to communicate their goal and objectives. As with any change or transition there are sure to be bumps along the way, but rest assured the primary goal of the Reserve remains to ensure that you, the reader, continues to receive the pertinent information on things of importance to you, your shipmates and your families. 

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